We care for those you love the most.

Kinder Clinic is now offering telemedicine services to existing patients, mainly for follow up consults. We understand the concerns of parents dealing with the COVID19 situation so this service is aimed at helping patients who prefer virtual consultations.
Telemedicine is suitable for non-urgent cases only.
Not all conditions can be managed virtually and after the tele-consultation, the doctor may advise that your child be seen at the clinic for a further physical consultation.
Dr Dawn Lim
Dr Mas Suhaila
Dr Theodric Lee
Dr Darryl Lim
$80 - $120
$120 - 250
Medications prescribed are for self-collection only.
Additional fees may apply for longer or specialised telemedicine consults, as well as for overseas patients.
Consults are conducted on a 15-minute block.
Common Conditions
Cough and cold
Sore throat
Fever (<5 days)
Mild skin rashes
Mild diarrhoea
Mild eye conditions
ie. Itchy / Mildly red eyes​

Follow up / Sub-speciality consults
Dr Theodric Lee
Paediatric sleep concerns available for teleconsultation include:
Night-wakings in infants and children;
Children and teenagers having difficulties going to bed or resisting bedtime;
Snoring and/or possible obstructive sleep apnoea (enlarged tonsils and adenoids).
(N.B. this list is not exhaustive)
Click here for articles on paediatric sleep
Dr Dawn Lim
Food allergies
Allergic Rhinitis
Chronic Urticaria
Things to note:
Telemedicine is not appropriate for urgent / emergency cases. These patients need to be seen in person in clinic or A&E
The Doctor may recommend a physical review in the clinic based on his/her assessment of the patient.
Consults are conducted on a 15-minute block. Additional fees may apply for longer telemedicine consults.
Quick Overview of the Process
1. You may contact the Kinder branch you usually attend to make an appointment with your Kinder doctor. Alternatively, you may email us through contactus@kinderclinic.com.sg to arrange a telemedicine appointment.
2. Our staff will respond with confirmation of the appoint and log-in details.
3. Patients will just need to click on the link during the assigned timing for the Telemedicine.
4. Payment
An invoice will be emailed to the patient.
Payment can be settled via bank transfer / PayNow.
5. Medications: For the time-being, medications will need to be collected from the clinic. Thank you for your understanding.